Poets of Color

Elmaz Abinader, Instructor Office: 313 Mills Hall
510 430 2225 elmaz@earthlink.net
office hours: 5-6:30 Thursday and by appointment

Here are the texts for the class.
• Asian American Poetry: the Next Generation edited by Victoria Chang
• Voices from Leimert Park, ed by Shonda, Buchannan
• Effigies, An Anthology of New Indigenous Writing Pacific Rim, 2009, Okpik, Rexford McDougall, etc (Salt Publishing)
• The Wind Shifts, New Latino Poetry, Edited by Francisco Aragón
• The Essential Etheridge Knight by Etheridge Knight
• Mercy by Lucille Clifton
• Zodiac of Echoes by Khaled Mattawa
• Diwata by Barbara Jane Reyes

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thank you

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who came out to the first Works in Progress reading last night. It was great! I was glad to see so many familiar faces there :)

Also, i LOVE this class. Our discussions are so thorough and vibrant, and they linger with me throughout the week. I appreciate everything all of you bring to the table. Please, let's keep going at it. Have a great weekend!


  1. Thank you Chanel. I truly enjoyed your reading and believe it to be my pleasure to discuss works with you at the table. Write on and recite on. You're awesome!
